Read carefully our “Privacy Policy” so that you have a better user experience.
Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?
EFFICIENCIA Y WATTS S.L.U. is responsible for the treatment of the user’s personal data and informs you that these data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of April 27 (GDPR), and Organic Law 3/2018 , of December 5 (LOPDGDD).
What type of data do we request and process?
According to the form or method of obtaining your data, we always ask for the minimum necessary to fulfill the purposes detailed in each case.
Why do we process your personal data and why do we do it?
According to the form where we have obtained your personal data, we will treat them confidentially to achieve the goals:
In the Contact form
- Respond to queries or any type of request made by the user through any of the contact forms available on the web page of the person in charge. (for the legitimate interest of the controller, art. 6.1.f GDPR)
- Send commercial advertising communications by e-mail, fax, SMS, MMS, social networks or any other electronic or physical medium, present or future, that makes it possible to carry out commercial communications. These communications will be carried out by the person in charge and will be related to their products and services, or of their collaborators or suppliers, with whom this has reached some promotional agreement. In this case, third parties will never have access to personal data. (for the consent of the interested party, 6.1.a GDPR)
- Carry out statistical analyzes and market studies. (for the legitimate interest of the controller, art. 6.1.f GDPR)
In the Newsletter form
- Send newsletters, news, offers and promotions online. (for the consent of the interested party, 6.1.a GDPR)
In the Request a budget form
- Send commercial budgets on products and services. (for the execution of a contract or pre-contract, 6.1.b GDPR)
- Send commercial advertising communications by e-mail, fax, SMS, MMS, social networks or any other electronic or physical medium, present or future, that makes it possible to carry out commercial communications. These communications will be carried out by the person in charge and will be related to their products and services, or of their collaborators or suppliers, with whom this has reached some promotional agreement. In this case, third parties will never have access to personal data. (for the consent of the interested party, 6.1.a GDPR)
In the Curriculum form
- Make the interested party participate in personnel selection processes and analyze the applicant’s profile with the objective of selecting a candidate for the vacant position of the person in charge. (with the consent of the interested party, 6.1.a GDPR)
In the Comments form
- Moderate and publish on the website the opinions about a publication. (for the consent of the interested party, 6.1.a GDPR)
In the Ethical Channel or complaints form
- For the appropriate management of the ethical or complaints channel, processing the corresponding irregularities notified through it, and deciding on the origin of starting an investigation, with the aim of detecting possible crimes and preventing the imposition of any type of responsibility on the person responsible or others companies of the group, if applicable, as well as to avoid any type of conduct contrary to the internal or external regulations of the entity. (for the fulfillment of a mission carried out in the public interest, 6.1.e GDPR)
In the User Registration form
- Manage the user’s account to provide personalized access to the website and the interactive services it offers. (for the consent of the interested party, 6.1.a GDPR)
In the Appointments form
- Schedule appointments and meetings with the person in charge. (for the legitimate interest of the controller, art. 6.1.f GDPR)
Social Networks
- Contact through Social Networks in order to maintain a relationship between the User and the Manager that can include the following operations: – Process your requests and queries. – Inform about activities and events. – Inform about products and/or services. – Interact through the official profiles. The user has a profile on the same social network and has decided to join the Responsible’s social network, thus showing his interest in the information that is published on the same, therefore at the time of requesting to follow our official page, he provides us your consent for the treatment of your data. The User can access the privacy policies of the social network itself at any time, as well as configure their profile to guarantee their privacy. Once the User is a follower or has joined the Responsible’s social network, they may post comments, links, images, photographs or any other type of content supported by the same. The User, in all cases, must be the owner of the published content, enjoy copyright and intellectual property rights or have the consent of affected third parties. – Sending commercial communications related to the activities of the Group’s companies, as well as companies external to the same, with which commercial collaboration or intermediation agreements have been established. (for the consent of the interested party, 6.1.a GDPR)
Instant Messaging
- Schedule appointments and meetings with the person in charge. (for the legitimate interest of the controller, art. 6.1.f GDPR)
- Send commercial advertising communications by e-mail, fax, SMS, MMS, social networks or any other electronic or physical medium, present or future, to clients, which makes it possible to carry out commercial communications related to products or services that are similar to those that were initially offered of contracting with the client (art. 21.2 LSSI). (for the legitimate interest of the controller, art. 6.1.f GDPR)
- Manage, maintain, improve or develop the services provided. (for the execution of a contract or pre-contract, 6.1.b GDPR)
- Manage your online purchase or order, process the payment and proceed to the shipment or activation thereof, based on the general contract conditions. (for the execution of a contract or pre-contract, 6.1.b GDPR)
- Send commercial budgets on products and services. (for the execution of a contract or pre-contract, 6.1.b GDPR)
- Send commercial advertising communications by e-mail, fax, SMS, MMS, social networks or any other electronic or physical medium, present or future, that makes it possible to carry out commercial communications. These communications will be carried out by the person in charge and will be related to their products and services, or of their collaborators or suppliers, with whom this has reached some promotional agreement. In this case, third parties will never have access to personal data. (for the consent of the interested party, 6.1.a GDPR)
- Respond to queries or any type of request made by the user through any of the contact forms available on the web page of the person in charge. (for the legitimate interest of the controller, art. 6.1.f GDPR)
Video surveillance
- Purpose Security and access control, labor control and internal activity Legitimation Public interest in security and access control and Legitimate Interest of the Responsible based on Art. 20.3 of the Estatuto de los Trabajadores Conservación A maximum of 30 days (for the consent of the interested party, 6.1.a GDPR)
Images and recordings
- File with static and/or dynamic images. Includes publication in the media of the data controller or third parties. (for the consent of the interested party, 6.1.a GDPR)
Customers and suppliers
- Commercial management with clients and suppliers (for the legitimate interest of the person in charge, art. 6.1.f GDPR)
Advertising exclusion
- Data management to avoid sending commercial communications to those who had expressed their refusal or opposition to receive them. (for the fulfillment of a legal obligation, 6.1.c GDPR)
Commercial advertising
- Advertising management and commercial prospecting. Includes data from legitimate public access sources. (for the legitimate interest of the controller, art. 6.1.f GDPR)
Right of interested parties
- Attend to the requests of citizens in the exercise of the rights established by the GDPR (for the fulfillment of a legal obligation, 6.1.c GDPR)
Web, app and other responsa platform users
- Identification data of users who access the corporate website. (for the legitimate interest of the person in charge, art. 6.1.f GDPR)
Legal representatives and contact persons
- In the event that you are the legal representative or contact person of any of the entities or persons with which the Foundation relates, the person in charge will process your data to monitor the development of the intended relationship. (for the consent of the interested party, 6.1.a GDPR)
Credit information
- Credit information policy *Before hiring our services, we will necessarily process the personal data that you have provided. as well as those obtained from the Asnef File. During the process of registering as a client, we will process your personal data for the following purposes: 1- Manage your request to register as a client and proceed with the application of the appropriate measures to be able to manage the hiring of the service. 2- Assess your financial and credit solvency by consulting the Asnef, Cirbe and similar file, where we will assess your ability to face the intended economic obligations. 3- Assist him during the contracting process of the desired services. 4- Analyze your current income and your current economic situation, all your assets and liabilities, including the data you provide us about your family unit or others that you provide us, as well as the data we can request from you such as payroll, tax returns, etc. . Likewise, the information provided to us as guarantor or guarantor during the mortgage procurement procedure will also be analyzed (for the consent of the interested party, 6.1.a GDPR).
How long will we keep your personal data?
They will be kept for no longer than is necessary to maintain the end of the treatment or there are legal prescriptions that dictate their custody and when it is no longer necessary for it, they will be deleted with adequate security measures to guarantee the anonymization of the data or the total destruction of the same
Who do we provide your personal data to?
No communication of personal data to third parties is foreseen except, if necessary for the development and execution of the purposes of the treatment, to our service providers related to communications, with which the person in charge has signed contracts of confidentiality and responsibility for treatment required by current privacy regulations.
Do we make international transfers?
In accordance with article 44 of the RGPD, the authorization of international data transfer to a country that has not been declared as a country with an adequate level of protection can only be granted if sufficient guarantees are obtained. Thus, it can be granted if the person responsible for the treatment provides a written contract, concluded between the exporter and the data importer, in which the necessary guarantees of respect for the protection of the interested parties are contained and the exercise of their rights is guaranteed.
It is possible that the manager has the services of providers who have servers or offices in other places and, therefore, these transfers are made. To consult the updated list of suppliers, consult the person in charge or through
What are your rights?
Los derechos que asisten al usuario son:
- Derecho a retirar el consentimiento en cualquier momento.
- Derecho de acceso, rectificación, portabilidad y supresión de sus datos, y de limitación u oposición a su tratamiento.
- Derecho a presentar una reclamación ante la autoridad de control ( si considera que el tratamiento no se ajusta a la normativa vigente.
Datos de contacto para ejercer sus derechos:
EFICIENCIA Y WATTS S.L.U.. Camí Cabana 69, – 07141 Es Pont D ́Inca (Illes Balears). E-mail:
Los usuarios, mediante la marcación de las casillas correspondientes y la entrada de datos en los campos, marcados con un asterisco (*) en el formulario de contacto o presentados en formularios de descarga, aceptan expresamente y de forma libre e inequívoca, que sus datos son necesarios para atender su petición, por parte del prestador, siendo voluntaria la inclusión de datos en los campos restantes. El usuario garantiza que los datos personales facilitados al responsable son veraces y se hace responsable de comunicar cualquier modificación de los mismos.
El responsable informa de que todos los datos solicitados a través del sitio web son obligatorios, ya que son necesarios para la prestación de un servicio óptimo al usuario. En caso de que no se faciliten todos los datos, no se garantiza que la información y servicios facilitados sean completamente ajustados a sus necesidades.
Si por algún tipo de medio, nos facilita datos de carácter perosnal de otras personas, el responsable advierte que deberá hacerlo con su consentimiento y haber informado, con carácter previo, de los extremos contenidos en esta Política de Privacidad. Asimismo, el responsable se compromete a facilitar a cualquier tercero cuyos datos nos facilite la información que resultase pertinente, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 14 del Reglamento General.
Que de conformidad con lo dispuesto en las normativas vigentes en protección de datos personales, el responsable está cumpliendo con todas las disposiciones de las normativas GDPR y LOPDGDD para el tratamiento de los datos personales de su responsabilidad, y manifiestamente con los principios descritos en el artículo 5 del GDPR, por los cuales son tratados de manera lícita, leal y transparente en relación con el interesado y adecuados, pertinentes y limitados a lo necesario en relación con los fines para los que son tratados.
El responsable garantiza que ha implementado políticas técnicas y organizativas apropiadas para aplicar las medidas de seguridad que establecen el GDPR y la LOPDGDD con el fin de proteger los derechos y libertades de los usuarios y les ha comunicado la información adecuada para que puedan ejercerlos.
Para más información sobre las garantías de privacidad, puedes dirigirte al responsable a través de EFICIENCIA Y WATTS S.L.U.. Camí Cabana 69, – 07141 Es Pont D ́Inca (Illes Balears). E-mail:
Esta política de privacidad está vigente desde el 21/04/2023
El responsable se reserva el derecho de modificar esta política para adaptarla a futuras actualizaciones legislativas o jurisprudenciales que resulten de aplicación, o por otros motivos técnicos, operativos, comerciales, corporativos, etc. Si a consecuencia de los cambios, se vieran afectados los derechos de los usuarios, el responsable se compromete a informar sobre los

Pont d’Inca
Camí Cabana, 69 Local C
07141 Marratxí, Mallorca
Tel. (+34) 678 179 472
Cala Ratjada
C/ Isaac Peral, 33
07590 Capdepera, Mallorca
Tel. (+34) 664 589 440